Does Planet Fitness Have Squat Racks and Why?

Planet fitness is a health club that offers a variety of workout machines and classes. It has many members who are not only looking for an affordable gym membership but also to find equipment that can help them achieve their fitness goals. Planet Fitness offers squat racks and other weight lifting equipment such as barbells and dumbbells. The question remains: does planet fitness have squat racks and why?

Table of Contents

    What is Planet Fitness

    Planet Fitness is a fitness center that has over 1,000 locations in the United States. The company offers a variety of memberships and services, including weightlifting equipment, cardio machines, group fitness classes, and personal training. Planet Fitness also offers a “judgment free zone,” meaning that members get not judged for their appearance or abilities. This environment gets intended to make everyone feel comfortable working out.

    This fitness center has been a staple of the health and fitness industry for many years. This gym not only offers members an affordable price with no contracts, but it also provides them with equipment that is necessary to achieve their goals. Planet Fitness has always offered squat racks in most of their facilities which are usually located near the free weights area or by themselves. What you may not know about this workout facility is that they have recently added more weightlifting accessories such as bars, plates, benches, dumbbells and kettle bells to most of their gyms across the United States.

    Does Planet Fitness Have Squat Racks and Why?

    Planet Fitness does not have squat racks. Some people may choose to go to a “judgment free zone” gym like Planet Fitness to avoid the surrounding environment of a normal gym and instead focus on getting healthier with none of the “scary” parts of the gym. This could be because they get intimidated by weightlifting, or do not have any desire to go to a gym that is focused on CrossFit.

    Others may choose to go to Planet Fitness because they know they will not have to use squat racks, which can be intimidating. People often use squat racks in CrossFit and weightlifting, so the squat racks may intimidate someone who is not familiar with those activities.

    Some people would not want to go to a gym that is focused on weightlifting or CrossFit because they may feel that they are not fit enough or do not have the right body type to take part in those activities.

    Does Planet Fitness Have Other Weight Lifting Equipment?

    If it’s a Planet Fitness, then the answer is yes – they have other weightlifting equipment. This might include machines, free weights, or both. However, if it’s an affiliate, the answer is no – they only have the basic equipment. This is because affiliates are basically just copies of the PF model, and they don’t have quite as much variety in their clubs.

    The thing about PF is that they usually try to market their gyms towards the “average” person, and this gets reflected in the equipment they have. It’s why you won’t find things like Olympics lifting more experienced lifters favor platforms or even much.

    Final Thoughts!

    Planet Fitness is a company that has been around for over 20 years. They have gyms all across the United States and Canada, which means you can find one near your home or office. There are many reasons people choose to work out at these locations – their prices are affordable, they offer plenty of classes, they’re open 24 hours per day so there’s always an option for working out no matter what life throws at you – but if you want access to squat racks then this may not be the gym for you.